Friday, February 25, 2011

Plants Galore!

Oh, hello there! Are you ready for our Plants Special?

Plants are here and there. Join us as we venture to the Plant Kingdom!

     Our fourth quarter CEO or Creative Expansive Output is similar to our 3rd quarter CEO; we need to make a report about respective topics. But instead of animals, the project focused on plants. We had the same requirements too; a power point, a handout, again, photocopied 20 times, and a 10- item quiz about the topic. But this time, we got to work with our classmates in partners or groups but you could also work individually. And like the 3rd quarter CEO, the reporting started from the least diverse to the most diverse organisms in the Plant Kingdom.

Clarisse: Division Lycopodiophyta

     Clarisse worked alone in this project because she thought that it would be easier because with a pair or a group, you’ll have to talk to each other and assign schedules and call each other for the requirements. It’s also fairer because it’s unfair if you have a partner or a group that did nothing gets the score you get.

   Division Lycopodiophyta is the topic that Clarisse got. She had a harder time in researching on this topic due to the limited information so she had to really research hard for the information she needed. The limited information was one of her problems so she worked harder and researched more. Clarisse thought that the most important thing she learned in this project is learning to believe in herself by believing she could finish doing her CEO and doing her best in it. Clarisse also learned that plants are not only important to humans like us but are also important to the balance of the environment so we must preserve and take care of them.

Miguel: Division Bryophyta

     Unlike last quarter, Miguel made a report about Kingdom Fungi but this time his topic was Division Bryophyta or simply mosses. He learned interesting facts about bryophytes. He thinks probably the most interesting is the life cycle of mosses.

     Miguel chose to work alone. He thinks that by working by himself is much easier because when you’re working in a group, you still need to plan with your group mates and divide the tasks. You don’t need to do this when working individually, you’re all alone and you just have to do all the work. Preparing this report was easier for him because he already had experience in making hand-outs and power point. 

     Miguel encountered a problem while doing the project. The problem was that the life cycle of bryophytes is somewhat complicated. The first time Miguel read it, he did not understand it so he resolved it by reading more about bryophytes’ life cycle and soon he had a better understanding of it. The slides of Miguel’s power point were also wordy so he cut the wordy slides into two slides.

     The most important lesson that Miguel learned is that if there is something that he does not understand well in his report, he must research about it. It is essential that Miguel knows everything about his topic so that he will be able to explain and share very well his report to the class.
Adi: Division Coniferophyta  

     In this project, Adi worked with his partner, James reported on Division Coniferophyta or also known as the Division Pinophyta. Conifers are known as cone-bearing plants with vascular tissue, woody plants, mostly trees and leaves that do not shed during winter. They have leaf structures that are awl like, needle like or scale like. Their seed is not enclosed in an ovary. Most conifers are Monoecious, but some are subdioecious or dioecious. They can survive in stressful environments, including drought, high winds, heat, and cold. Adi and James had a slight problem with the division of the labor so they decided to help each for an agreeable result for their work. This Power Point Presentation taught them to work and trust each other. 

Alex: Class Monocotyledones

     In this project, Alex worked with 2 more group mates, Gabbie and Toni. They had to make again, a powerpoint, a 10-item quiz and 20-photocopied handouts. They had to explain how the Monocots reproduce, where they live and much more. Did you even know that there are more than 59, 300 species of Monocots? Wow, right? Species here are also grown for animal consumption. It was harder for Alex because the group didn’t really know how to divide the work among themselves. Advantages for being in a group, is that she had such a fun time with her group mates. Disadvantage is that work was divided unequally. Alex and her group did encounter problems along the way. They had a problem with their powerpoint because the settings in a Mac computer is different with a PC. The background was bad and the text was all over the place. She learned that being in a group is hard and everything comes with a problem. And that the most important thing in a project is that every person has fun and they do their best to make their project the best. 

Khael: Division Cycadophyta

     In Khael's 4th Quarter Ceo, he was made to choose whether to do the CEO with a partner or by himself. The 4th quarter CEO was a lot easier because Khael did a report with a partner and they divided the work among themselves. Instead of doing everything just like in the 3rd quarter CEO, Khael made the handout and photocopied it 20 times, he also prepared 10 questions while his partner did the powerpoint. The advantages of this project is that Khael and his partner helped each other. They discussed the project together and shared ideas. The disadvantages Khael and his partner discovered were that they didn’t have the same schedule when using the computer. Khael together with his partner didn’t agree on what to put and what not to put. 

     Khael and his partner did not encounter any problem. What made it easier for us to prepare was dividing the work equally, discussing with each other. This CEO taught Khael a lot because he learned how to be responsible with the work assigned to him. Lastly, he learned about team work and how important it is.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Journey to the Animal World!

Hello again, Reader. In this post, you are going to see our experiences during our 3rd quarter CEO (Creative Expansive Output). In this post, Kingdom Animalia would be our topic. Are you ready?

Our 3rd Quarter CEO in Science is all about animals.
I, together with my classmates, had to research and report about our individual topics.
The reporting started from the least multifaceted to the most multifaceted organisms in
the Animal Kingdom; starting from the viruses to the chordates.

For the reporting, I got Class Mammalia, one of the largest and most diverse
taxonomical levels in the whole of the Animal Kingdom with over 5,000 species
classified into 26 orders! Marvelous, isn’t it? Well, it won’t be that marvelous anymore if
you had to give a brief description in all 26 orders. I’m only joking, of course.

It’s a very challenging experience for me, though. I haven’t researched and
crammed that much for a single project in my entire life. It was fun, actually, doing this
project. You learn new things and facts that you didn’t know before about animals in
your environment. There were requirements given by T’cher Rye; you have to submit a
power-point, a handout photocopied 20 times, and a 10- item quiz made by yourself. I
made the power- point so it can aid the audience during my discussion, I also made the
hand-out so the class can read and understand my report better.

I did have problems as I prepared for my project. I had to cram and finish my
power- point in a few days. And that’s where I had to give a brief description on all the
orders. I resolved this problem by focusing and praying to God to help me finish the
power-point and I finished it just on time.

I’ve learned a couple or three things in the CEO and they are…. making a power-
point and the provisions included, like the 6x6 rule and cramming is not good for you,
emotionally and mentally. Probably, the most important thing that I’ve learned in doing
this project is that we are very rich in animal biodiversity. The people, including me,
should help conserve and preserve them so that generations in the future will be able to
enjoy the animals we get to enjoy now.
Our 3rd Quarter CEO is all about Kingdom Animalia. Together with my groupmates, we had to make a powerpoint, a handout and a 10-item quiz. Making this project made me realize that every person has the skills to make power points. I never knew that I, myself could make this powerpoint. At first, I didn’t believe in myself that I could even get a high grade in this project. I was assigned the Phylum Chordata and as you know is a Phylum of the Kingdom Animalia. 

Phylum Chordata is actually a myriad of animals. From the lancelets to the tunicates and so on. I had to research on so much information for me to get the information I most needed. I researched on every site I could link through Google, the world’s “friend on assignments” as I must call it. 

I really had so much fun researching, typing, emailing T’cher Rye, and presenting in front of him and the class. Fun and challenging at the same time. Challenging because I had to email him often times to know if he got the requirements. For the reporting part, nerve-wracking. Nerve-wracking because I felt so nervous that T’cher Rye was there and the whole class was also there.  

I learned a lot of facts during the 3rd Quarter. I learned how to make a powerpoint, a Science handout, a 10-item quiz about Science and also to follow the 6x6 or 9x9 rule in making my powerpoint. I did have problems. I crammed a little for the quiz. I didn’t know what questions to make. I had a hard time because I had to make it very good because it was graded. But then in the end, I got a high mark for the quiz.

All I can say is that whatever you research on, do not use Wikipedia. (Joking!)
Even though I used it on my research, I still advice you not to use it. 
A tunicate
On our 3rd Quarter Science CEO, we have to make a report about our respective topic. I was assigned to report about Kingdom Fungi. Honestly, before I researched about fungi, all I know about them was that they consists of mushrooms and that they cause white stuff growing in people’s faces (an-an). I learned many interesting things about fungi like they can be both microscopic and macroscopic. The most interesting thing that I learned is that fungi are more related to animals than to plants.

In making the report, first I did a lot of research. After researching, I thought of making the power point report before the hand-outs which would have been a big mistake if it hadn’t been for my mom. She advised me that making the hand-out first will be much easier and I realized that she was right. I put together the information which I got into the hand-out.  Then, some of the information in the hand-out was transferred to the power point. I also made a quiz about Kingdom Fungi.  When the hand-out, power point and quiz were done, I e-mailed them to T. Rye. And finally, I practiced presenting my power point.  
A problem I encountered is that it was my first time to prepare a hand-out. I never made a hand-out in my entire life.  It is a good thing my mom helped me. She taught me how to make a good hand-out. Another problem which I encountered was following the 6x6 rule. Most of the slides in my power point were too wordy. To solve this, I cut the slides which were long into two slides.  
The most important lesson that I learned was that I should make the hand-out first before making the power point. Doing this is much easier than making the power point first. I think that this is very important because it can help me in my future reports in high school.  

In the 3rd quarter Power Point I have discussed about Phylum Annelida. There are about 17,000 species each of which has a body made up of segments with a mouth at one end and an anus at the other. There are about 17,000 species each of which has a body made up of segments with a mouth at one end and an anus at the other. Phylum Annelida came from the French word, Anneles which means “ringed one” and came from the Latin word Annelus which means “little ring” They have three Classes; Class Polychaeta, Class Oligochaeta and Class Hirudinaea. Annelids play an important role in turning over sediment on the ocean bottom, they make soil porous, for better penetration of water and air, etc. These are just some of the fun facts I would like to share with you about my topic. I came up to this topic when T’cher Rye talked about the Animal Biodiversity and started assigning topics for our reports on the following week. The next day he brought a fishbowl with him. In that bowl there where a bunch of Phylum’s to choose from, so I took the topic of Phylum Annelida because it was my favorite. First, their body processes are interesting and structures are fascinating. Second, the process of peristalsis is compared to our esophagus. Lastly, I like the fun facts I have seen in my research.
An annelid

I'm going to talk to you about my Science CEO for the last 3rd quarter. I reported on Phylum Arthropoda. My classmates and I were each assigned a particular topic in the Kingdom Animalia. Out of the given topic, I had to make a power point, a handout and 10-item quiz for the report. The handout is the printed information taken from the power point that I need to give my classmates so that they can understand my project well. Lastly, I will prepare a quiz regarding my topic in order for me to know if my classmates learned something from my report.


Thanks for tuning in! Look out for more posts about Science!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Introduction to Science Adventurers!

Welcome, welcome! To the world of Wonder! Oh, sorry. To the world of the... THE SCIENCE ADVENTURERS! We are doing this blog for our Science project for our Urban GurU.  Here, we have Miguel, our small, but terrible scientist. Then we have Khael, our cool, brown inspector. Next, we have Adi, our new scientist in town. And after that, we have Clarisse, our imaginative inventor. And last but not the least, Alex, our scientific and funny scientist! You are going to see more on our later posts!